Nomad Games

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6th January 2023


Hello everyone!

We’re officially in 2023! With another year (and another Christmas) under our belt as a studio, we’re once again going to look back on everything we’ve done over the last month. December was a mighty busy month for us, as we knew we’d have a ton of the Nomad team off on holiday around Christmas. Thankfully, we were able to meet all our deadlines, finish up nicely for the end of the year and do some relaxing!

Just like last year, we’re also going to be putting together a comprehensive retrospective of all our lessons learned, key moments and proudest achievements of 2022. So keep an eye out for that soon!

Nomad News

Catan Development Updates

So normally when we roll out these Monthly Mailbag updates, we’ve got a big tasty list of CATAN® - Console Edition updates and go over all the things we’ve added - but this month is a bit different! With so many people going on holiday at the end of December, we made sure to not overload ourselves with more work than is actually possible. So we made

Also, with the game launching in early 2023, we’ve been going through the process of submitting the game to both Xbox and PlayStation. This involves ironing out bugs, making changes to the game based on feedback from each platform and then resubmitting the game again with more bugs ironed out! So bug smashing is all we did in December, and we’re mighty proud of just how many we were able to squish.

Don’t forget, if you want all the biggest CATAN® - Console Edition updates and to find out when it’s going to launch, head over to the official website.

Newsletter Competition

At the start of December, we launched a Christmas giveaway to celebrate the holiday season, and to thank you all for supporting us through 2022! We’ve now closed entries to the competition, so we’ll be handing out the prizes to the lucky winners this week.

One lucky winner will walk away with our entire Steam catalogue, so best of luck to you if you’ve taken part! We’re also giving away a ton of runner up prizes, so don’t forget to keep an eye on your inbox if you’re already subscribed to our newsletter. And if you’re not already subscribed to our newsletter, we’d really appreciate it if you did! If you scroll all the way down to the footer of this page, you’ll find the form you can submit your email through, and then you’ll be able to hear about all the cool stuff we get up to each month.

Winter Sales

On December 22nd, we kicked off one of our biggest sales ever across all the places you can buy our games. Across PC, mobile, Xbox and PlayStation, you couldn’t move for winter deals!

We’ve not had a chance yet to properly look over how well all our games did yet, but from what we have seen, the sales went mighty well. So if you picked up some games or DLC over Christmas, thanks a ton for your support! It’s through sales like these that we can continue financially supporting ourselves while we work on upcoming projects.

Secret Projects

In December (especially near the end of the month) we had a lot of discussions here at Nomad about what we’ve got coming up in our future. As the New Year approaches, it’s always a good time to think about what is on the horizon. So while we’ve got nothing we can share publicly, rest assured that we’ve got a bunch of cool ideas that we can’t wait to (hopefully) tell you all about.

Development Services

Did you know that alongside developing our own games, we’ve also helped other studios out with their development needs in the past? It’s true!

Previously, we’ve used our many contacts in the industry to arrange this kind of work, but we want to make sure that if another studio needs help, they can easily reach out to us. We’ve got a wealth of experience from our time in the games industry, and with our aim to expand as a studio in 2023, we want to increase our output and the ways we work.

To find out more, check out our full announcement blog.

Streams are back!

After some Christmas disruptions (and OpenReach engineers missing 4 (!!!) appointments so far to upgrade Tom’s internet), we’re pleased to confirm we’re going to be coming back to our regularly scheduled programming. Every Thursday in January we’ll be streaming some Talisman goodness and giving away Steam keys, so make sure you tune into our Twitch channel!

Check out the full schedule below:

Christmas Hampers

As a big thanks to the whole Nomad team, we sent out special Christmas hampers to each and every member of staff! Although some members of the team were more interested in the box than the hamper itself…

In previous years, we’ve all met up for a meal to celebrate - but with us all working from home now, getting the whole team together is a lot more of a challenge than it once was. So instead, things like sending out a hamper full of goodies helps show appreciation for our hard-working team, even if we can’t all be together!

Monthly Mailbag

From Ricardo

“Why do you talk about secret projects sometimes in your round-ups, and sometimes don’t? And what makes it so you can’t talk about these projects too?

A timely question, given that we’ve talked a bit about secret projects in this very news round-up! Basically, we don’t want to count our eggs before they hatch.

With some of our secret projects, we’re either bound by NDAs or we’re not 100% sure that the project will ever actually see the light of day. For example, last year we had a handful of projects that we put some work into that ended up never releasing. If we’d shouted about these and then had to not move forward with them, we’d have had people asking us “why haven’t you worked on this?” until the end of time. Which we want to avoid, as getting peoples hopes up isn’t fair.

And that’s the end of this months update and mailbag! You can always send your questions to if you want us to answer your burning questions next month!

If you’d like to follow us, keep up to date with us and generally just see all the cool things we do, you can find all our social links, games and more over on our Linktree - how handy!