Nomad Games

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2nd April 2020


Hey Nomads,

We’re excited to announce our latest adventure for Talisman: Digital Edition – Legendary Decks! Not only that, but we’re also releasing three new characters! The Legendary Decks and new characters for Talisman: Digital Edition will be launching on May 7th!


What are Legendary Decks?

If you’ve been looking for your next challenge in Talisman, if claiming the Crown of Command with EVERY expansion turned on, the horrible black void is your hidden ending and you’ve just picked your next character, isn’t enough of a challenge for you! Then we bring you our new and *Shiny* Legendary Decks!

Legendary Decks are mixed into your normal Adventure Cards; however, the cards offer harder challenges for you to overcome. You’ll find yourself drawing what used to be a Strength 7 Dragon and finding it’s now a Strength 15 Dragon.

Spotting if you’ve drawn a Legendary Deck card instead of a normal Adventure Card is easy, as Legendary Decks have a silver or gold foil effect on them. Silver shows Legendary Deck Adventure Cards which have been made slightly tougher, and gold show Legendary Deck Adventure Card “Bosses”.

 How do they work?

At present we plan to make a Legendary Decks for all Talisman Expansions. At launch we will only be releasing 4 decks however, these will be for the Base Game and the following expansions: The Dungeon, The Highland, and The Reaper.

To play with the Legendary Decks, you’ll need to own the expansions that they are related too. Then you’ll simply have to turn them on before you start a game and they’re shuffled into the normal Adventure Deck.

Which platforms will Legendary Decks be released on?

The Legendary Decks will be launching on May 7th on Steam, iOS and Android.

We will also be bringing the Talisman Legendary Decks to Nintendo Switch very soon! Unfortunately due to the Covid-19 situation the processing period with Nintendo is currently running a little slower than normal. Therefore Nintendo Switch will be receiving the Legendary Decks a little later than the other platforms. Unfortunately this does also mean that the Nintendo Switch will not be cross platform compatible for a temporary period. As soon as the Legendary Decks and new characters arrive on the Nintendo Switch cross platform comparability will be available again.

How much will the Legendary Decks and new Characters Cost?


  • Legendary Decks £1.69 | $1.99 | €1.99

  • Characters £1.69 | $1.99 | €1.99

iOS / Android:

  • Legendary Decks £1.69 | $1.99 | €1.99

  • Characters £0.99 | $0.99 | €0.99

Nintendo Switch:

  • Legendary Decks £1.79 | $1.99 | €1.99

  • Characters Pack £3.79 | $4.19 | €4.19

* *Prices may vary depending on local tax and conversion rates * *

* * Nintendo Switch will have all three characters bundled together as seen previously * *

New characters we hear you say…? Who are they?

The Ranger:

A skilled hunter and tracker, the sure-footed Ranger has spent years in the wilds hunting dangerous monsters and foes. He is now setting his sights on the most dangerous prize of all… the Crown of Command!


  • Strength - 4

  • Craft - 3

  • Fate - 4

  • Lives - 4

  • Alignment - Neutral

  • Starting Space - Forest

Special Abilities:

  • You need not roll the die in the Chasm, Crags or Forest unless you wish to. If you choose to roll, you must accept the result.

  • You do not lose a life in the Desert.

  • Add 1 to your attack roll in battle with Dragons or Animals.

  • You always know what the top card is on the Adventure deck. You may look at it whenever you wish.

  • Whenever you are instructed to draw Adventure cards, you may spend 1 fate to ignore this instruction.


The Witch Hunter:

Evil has taken root in the world, and it’s your job to hunt it! The Witch Hunter has a legion of villagers at his back, ready to put the accused on trial for their crimes.


  • Strength - 4

  • Craft - 4

  • Fate - 2

  • Lives - 4

  • Alignment - Evil

  • Starting Space - Tavern

 Special Abilities:

  • At the start of your turn you may change your alignment to that of another character.

  • You begin the game with 1 Witch Token.

  • Accusation - At the start of your turn, if no other character has your Witch Token, you may accuse another character and give them a Witch Token.

  • Hunting - If you move into a space that contains a character with your Witch Token, you may end your move there, instead of moving the full distance as indicated by the die roll.

  • Trial -  Whenever you attack or are attacked by a character that has your Witch Token or whose alignment is different to your own, add 2 to your attack score.

  • Judgement - Whenever you defeat a character in battle or psychic combat that has your Witch Token, in addition to your normal reward, take back your Witch Token and gain one fate. They must then lose one life or kill a Follower of their choice.


 The Swordsman:

Unsheath your blade and battle across the land of Talisman! Years of training have made the Swordsman an expert of the blade, and now he looks to put those skills to use in the race towards the Crown of Command.


  • Strength - 5

  • Craft - 3

  • Fate - 2

  • Lives - 4

  • Alignment - Neutral

  • Starting Space - Castle

 Special Abilities:

  • You begin the game with a Sword from the Purchase deck. If you lose the Sword, you may take one from the Purchase deck for free if you visit the Castle or Village.

  • Whilst you have a weapon equipped you may:

    • Attempt to disarm another character that has a weapon equipped at the start of a battle. To do so, roll 1 die, if the result is a 5 or 6, their weapon falls to the floor and must be ditched on their current space.

    • Choose to Parry when being attacked by another character in battle. Add 2 to your attack score, but if you win, the result is considered a stand-off.


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