28th August 2024


Hello everyone!

Due to popular demand, we’ve brought back our annual publisher sale! This year, we’re on more platforms than ever, and we’ve got discounts deeper than they’ve ever been before.

You can check out the main event over on Steam.

You can also watch our special sale stream (where Tom plays through some of our catalogue) on our official Youtube channel below:


While the main event might be happening over on Steam, we’ve also got more discounts in other places too! You can check out all our games on the Nintendo Switch eShop, the Google Play Store, the App Store. Or you can get deals on expansions for Talisman: Digital Edition on PlayStation and Xbox!

If you’d like to follow us, keep up to date with us and generally just see all the cool things we do, you can find all our social links, games and more over on our Linktree - how handy!

Thomas Young