29th August 2024
Hey Talisman fans!
Today we’re excited to announce two very important things:
We’re going to be bringing content from Talisman: Digital Edition over to Talisman: Digital 5th Edition, starting with The Reaper Expansion.
Not only are we bringing existing DLC content over, but on the platforms that support it, if you’ve already purchased that content in Talisman: Digital Edition, you’ll be able to play it in Talisman: Digital 5th Edition completely free of charge!
We’ll be sharing more information about release dates for both Talisman: Digital 5th Edition and The Reaper Expansion for Talisman: Digital 5th Edition in the near future, so make sure to wishlist the game now to get notified of the latest news!
The love and support we’ve been shown over the last 10 years while developing Talisman: Digital Edition has always overwhelmed us here at Nomad Games, and when creating Talisman: Digital 5th Edition, we knew we wanted a way to show our loyal Talisman fanbase that we massively appreciate that love and support. We also fully appreciate the financial commitment you’ve already made towards Talisman: Digital Edition, and want to show our appreciation.
This updated and remastered version of The Reaper Expansion will feature all-new artwork, special avatars and titles for your Nomad Account and more (which we’ll reveal later on once development has progressed). To give you a sneak preview of what you can expect though, we’ve grabbed some of the brand-new artwork to show you the new look that you can expect to see in The Reaper Expansion in Talisman: Digital 5th Edition!
Can you recognise some of the iconic Reaper cards below?

So if you’ve not picked up The Reaper Expansion yet in Talisman: Digital Edition (or any other expansions!), now you’ve got even more reason to add it to your Steam library. Right now we’ve actually got our biggest publisher sale ever happening over on Steam, so go check it out!
We’ve spent a long time figuring out the logistics of exactly how we’ll give you access to your Talisman: Digital Edition content within Talisman: Digital 5th Edition, so we’ve put together a comprehensive FAQ that should hopefully answer any questions you might have! You can find it below.
If anything hasn’t been covered, you can reach out to us on all the different places we are online!
Talisman: Digital 5th Edition - DLC Carryover FAQ
How will you know I own the expansions in Talisman: Digital Edition?
Through your Nomad Account! Your Nomad Account (which is entirely free to sign-up for and use) keeps track of the expansions and extra content you own, so by signing into the same account on both versions of Talisman, we’ll be able to detect what you already own.
Does this mean prices are going up?
It does not! We’re not going to be increasing the prices of the existing content in Talisman: Digital Edition on any platforms, anywhere.
Will this only apply if you buy the expansion before it gets added to Talisman: Digital 5th Edition?
Nope! If you buy The Reaper Expansion in Talisman: Digital Edition after it’s been added to Talisman: Digital 5th Edition, you’ll just need to sign into the same Nomad Account on both Talisman: Digital Edition and Talisman: Digital 5th Edition. We’re not restricting access to expansions based on when they were purchased.
Will this work across all my devices?
Right now we’re still focusing on the Steam version of Talisman: Digital 5th Edition only, so we can’t say for certain which platforms will allow you to bring across your existing expansions and other content.
We’re still a long way away from even being able to confirm any console versions of Talisman: Digital 5th Edition, so we won’t be able to talk much more about this topic until much further down the line. If/when we confirm console ports for Talisman: Digital 5th Edition, we’ll be sure to address this then - but until then, we haven’t had a chance to properly investigate it.
Will I still be able to get this Talisman: Digital Edition content in Talisman: Digital 5th Edition if I don’t own Talisman: Digital Edition?
One of the reasons we made the base game for Talisman: Digital Edition free on Steam earlier this year was because we wanted to make sure that if someone wanted to play Talisman: Digital Edition content in Talisman: Digital 5th Edition, that the process of doing so was as easy as possible.
So if you do want The Reaper Expansion, you’ll only need to download and boot up Talisman: Digital Edition once to sign into your Nomad Account - in the same way that you can currently sign into your Nomad Account on mobile and PC to sync your purchases!
Will we still be able to share expansions for free in online multiplayer?
For those who don’t know, when you’re playing online in Talisman: Digital Edition, only one person in the lobby needs to own an expansion for everyone else to be able to use it. We’re happy to confirm that this feature will continue into Talisman: Digital 5th Edition - so only one person in the lobby will need to own The Reaper Expansion to be able to play with it online.
When will 4th Edition expansions be added to Talisman: Digital 5th Edition?
A very good question! Right now we’re still in the process of developing The Reaper Expansion for Talisman: Digital 5th Edition, but once we get closer to release we’ll have a much better idea of how long the porting process generally takes.
Once we’ve published The Reaper Expansion, we’ll be taking a look at what content we want to bring forward next. Depending on how long it takes us to port over The Reaper and the next expansion we want to bring across, will depend on when the next expansion will be added.
How often will you be adding 4th Edition expansions to Talisman: Digital 5th Edition?
Again, this depends on how long porting an expansion takes! So we can’t give a definitive answer on this right now, but once The Reaper is available in Talisman: Digital 5th Edition, we’ll share more plans about our next steps for bringing across expansions.
Will you still be able to try a Talisman: Digital Edition expansion each week for free?
You will!
For those who don’t already know, we currently have a weekly rotation of free-to-try expansions in Talisman: Digital Edition, allowing you to try out all of the various expansions we’ve got available in the game. Even when we bring these expansions to Talisman: Digital 5th Edition, we’re not changing that!
We’re still figuring out how we’ll handle these weekly rotating expansions in Talisman: Digital 5th Edition, so we’ll share more about that in the future.
What are you going to do with cards/rules that don’t work in the 5th Edition rules?
For this, we’re going to be classifying cards into three distinct categories:
Cards that work within the 5th Edition rules with no changes needed.
Cards that still technically function within the 5th Edition rules, but no longer function as they should.
Cards that no longer function/don’t have a purpose at all within the 5th Edition rules.
For cards that fall within the 1st category, we won’t need to do anything. Huzzah! For cards in the 2nd category, we’re going to be looking at each card on an individual basis and adjusting its effects to make sure it follows the rules of 5th Edition, without changing how it works from a gameplay perspective.
The third category of cards is the trickiest for us from a design perspective, but it’s not an impossible task! If a certain card doesn’t work at all due to changes in rules between 4th and 5th Edition, we’ll look at what the card is trying to do, and the action/item/character the card is representing. We’ll then make a new version of that card that matches what the 4th Edition card was trying to originally do.
What about the DLC characters?
We’re planning on bringing across the Talisman: Digital Edition DLC characters over to Talisman: Digital 5th Edition too! Right now our priority is porting expansions however, as we know that they’ll bring a lot more to the gameplay experience.
So stay tuned for more information on how we’ll be bringing across DLC characters! Oh, and they will also be free for anyone who owns them in Talisman: Digital Edition already, of course.
What about the Legendary Decks?
For anyone who doesn’t know, the Legendary Decks in Talisman: Digital Edition were a series of special decks that you could purchase for certain expansions that offered a higher amount of challenge for experienced players.
Given that Legendary Decks were specifically designed for more hardcore players as an extra challenge based on requests from our community, adding them to Talisman: Digital 5th Edition isn’t high on our priority list at the moment. We’d rather focus on bringing across content that we know more players will appreciate and enjoy before we focus on something more niche like the Legendary Decks.
Not to say that it’ll never happen, but we’ve got a lot more stuff we want to get through first!
Does this mean content is being removed from Talisman: Digital Edition?
Nope. Not at all.
You’ll still be able to play The Reaper Expansion in Talisman: Digital Edition as you have previously. Once we bring The Reaper Expansion into Talisman: Digital 5th Edition, you’ll just have the choice between which version of Talisman you want to play it in!
And that’s the end of the FAQ! Like we said before, if anything hasn’t been covered, you can reach out to us on all the different places we are online! https://linktr.ee/nomadgames
And if you’d like to make sure you keep up with all things Talisman: Digital 5th Edition, wishlist the game now!
And you’d like to find out more about Talisman: 5th Edition, you can do so by going here!